What is the Handmade Book Club?
An amazing community paper-addicted book makers from 24+ countries. We are painters, printmakers, quilters, art journalers and mixed media artists who love to create their own unique handmade books.
- Brand new bookbinding project every month
- Access to past project library of 50+ book bindings
- WEEKLY Community gatherings
- Monthly guest artists
- Special beginner sessions and resource section
- In person meet-ups & retreats
- Giveaways, special discounts and swaps

Free Bookbinding Boot Camp
Get your bookmaking journey started!
Learning a few simple skills and techniques and making own your journals will be a lot more fun and rewarding.
* 9 short, easy to watch videos *
* Printable reference sheets *
* Answers to commonly asked questions *
*Suggestions for your first project *